Thursday 31 July 2014

Into Russia

Thursday 31/07

I've had issues printing off my via for Baku, so I've decided to go North from Tbilisi. Just need to hop over the mountains to Russia and follow the west coast of the Caspian sea!

At the launch party there was a team of guys in an ice-cream truck, and I cam across them by the side of a mountain pass leading to the Russian border. They'd managed to blow a head gasket and were running out of time on their visas, so they weren't too sure what they would do.

I had to leave them and press on to the border, where I saw Max and the lads. Luckily though, as I am on a bike I can jump the queue, which gained me about 2 hours! The girl at the border made me fill out my customs forms three times because their example forms are wrong - it was all very frustrating.

Now that I've passed through, I've stopped to buy insurance and wait for the lads; we;re going to carry on to Vladikavkaz tonight and find a hotel room for a decent nights sleep.


  1. Going Well! How many miles have you done now? From the Adventurists tracker it is obvious its much easier as a team on 4 wheels. However you are still at the front of the peloton!

  2. I don't know whether you see these messages from your faithful followers. I realise that if i leave messages from the iPad, they don't seem to appear (U have tried to leave you one a day so you know we are with you in spriit, whatever that may mean !!) Anyway, seems like you've broken the pain barrier and have some company again. Karen V
