Monday 14 July 2014

The madness of the Mongol Rally

How it all began reprinted from the Adventurists web site.

So back in a time when the world had only just realised that the millenium bug was bullshit, Mr Tom and Mr Joolz lived in the Czech Republic. They were studying fine art, which gave them an excess of free time and an excuse to be drunk. At one of the frequent ferment-induced moments an idea arrived. They would try and drive the tiny sack of motoring shite, a Fiat 126, that they had bought recently from a con-man in northern Prague to the most stupid place they could think of. That place turned out to be Mongolia and with no preparation, no luggage and no spare clothes or even pants they set forth to reach their goal.And failed. But they had so much fun in the attempt that they swore to try again.

Mr Tom decided that this was something the rest of the world needed so the Mongol Rally was born. A website was made up and the invitation to join was sent out. In the summer of 2004 just 6 cars rolled out the back of a bar in Shoreditch, London to face the world's first Mongol Rally. 4 of them made it to the finish in Mongolia; the first of which contained a couple of bedraggled ex-art students in a completely f***** Fiat 126. Word quickly spread and the rally grew. Now, we think it's probably the biggest road rally in the world. It's undoubtedly the best.

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