Monday, 20 July 2015

Oh my god here we go again! Mongol Rally 2015

So having not learnt my lesson last year, my lovely wife has again unleashed me on the unsuspecting world (or at least Eastern Europe) and agreed that I can ride to Mongolia once more.

Unfortunately work has delayed my departure so although the 2015 Mongol Rally started yesterday, I am still at my work desk for another week before donning my leathers and risking all for the sake of insanity.

Now this year the Aventurists have supplied some words for us all to speak whenever in a public forum, so here is a taster that puts us in the mood.

"Adventure used to be easier. Maps had edges and you could keep going until you fell off the edge of the world. Now you have to try hard to get lost. You've got to ignore the travel guides, you've got to throw your compass down the loo and you've got to set off with nothing but ignorance to light your path"

So to make progress after a late start I have a cunning plan.
A few weeks ago I rode my mighty steed (Honda XR125) to Warsaw in Poland and left it with the lovely Anna who is guarding it with her life until I return next Saturday - then it's head down for a thrash through Lithuania and Latvia with Moscow as my target for first proper rest and party time (hopefully there will be some very slow teams that are still in town)!

To get you excited here is the trusty steed (donated by Koh Lee Na) sitting by the Berlin wall while I was on my way to Warsaw.

As you can see from the painting I am metaphorically escaping! (pretty high brow for me)

Bigger boots, more armour and old age will hopefully keep me safe this year.

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